Alert - Fraudulent Orders / Customers
Hi All,
I recently had a fraudulent order placed in my Shopify online store. Subsequently, the customers requested a chargeback from their bank even though I have evidence that the item was delivered. I'm just notifying people who may also use the same platform to sell their products that you can install apps that block possible fraudulent orders/customers.
This particular customer has then placed another order just this morning. I have quickly learned how to cancel their order and install apps to prevent this from happening again.
Unfortunately, the banks completed the chargeback before they looked at the evidence I provided, so I am out of pocket over $700 plus the ring I sent and now have to wait until October 2nd to find out if I will get my money back.
I'm writing this to alert people, we all know it's hard enough trying to run a small business in these times and then to get scammed of the money and item you have posted.
I am aware of another company that has had this happen to them so that is why I've posted this here today.
Due to the high risk of fraud I have now installed Fraud Apps to help reduce the risk, this may affect your shopping online, so if you feel you have been affected by the new apps I have installed please send me a DM or email and I will look into it.
Otherwise happy shopping.
Oh and PS: we have 30% off selected collections this week only. Conditions Apply.
Regards Toni
TFD Jewellery